What’s the maturity of your revenue enablement IQ? mtbetastaging on April 4, 2023 1. Priorities What moves the needle the most for your organization? Pick one. Shorter ramp time and quicker speed to productivity. Higher and more consistent quota attainment. Less seller time wasted, more time spent selling. More visibility into sales activity and deal progress. More reliable and actionable data and revenue intelligence. None 2. Insight into seller skills How well do you understand the skills and competencies that lead to success for your sellers in your market? We’re still figuring it out. We understand it conceptually, but we haven’t modeled it in specificity. We’ve identified some of the skills that make a difference, but we’re relying on assumptions rather than data. We’ve analyzed seller data to identify key skills, and we’ve built enablement programs to target those competencies. We’ve mapped seller competencies to bottom-line performance metrics. We track those competencies in our sellers over time. We’ve built ideal skill and competency profiles for different cohorts and roles within the sales organization. We customize enablement to those different profiles. None 3. Onboarding to everboarding Which one of these terms effectively describes your seller onboarding process? Pick the one that best describes your organization. Inconsistent and insufficient. We’re just checking the boxes and leaning heavily on our HR team. Frequently changing but becoming more standardized and specific to sales. Focused on building seller skills, is more engaging and powered by technology. Personalized, automated, fueled by data, and more of an everboarding approach. Completely adaptive and powered by AI insights. None 4. Ongoing enablement How do you plan, create, and distribute ongoing enablement for your sellers? Check the one that most closely aligns with your organization. You do what you can when you can. It’s not systemized. When something goes wrong, you find a way to fix it for next time. You’ve created some standard training programs that focus on product and market knowledge. You’d like to do more. You anticipate seller needs and build targeted formal programs that target both knowledge and competency. Your strategy is data-driven and your progress is measurable. You use both formal and informal methods of serving scheduled and just-in-time enablement. You utilize integration and automation to blend readiness into your sellers’ flow of work. They receive both adaptive enablement and guided selling. None 5. The role of sales content How does your team use content to aid selling motions? Select the one that best describes your org. Sellers have some marketing materials they can use, but they frequently end up making their own content when they need it. Content is developed based primarily on requests from sellers or front-line managers. They may not have what they need now, but they will next time. Content is produced to support sellers in expected selling motions and anticipated obstacles. It’s kept in a central repository, but to be honest, sellers don’t use it as much as they should. Content strategy is data-driven and content is kept in a smart sales content management platform that helps reps discover the right content, customize it, and share it with context. Reps get content recommendations for both just-in-time learning and prospect engagement purposes. Data on content performance is synthesized with CRM data to guide selling in the flow of work. None 6. Coaching culture In what ways do your managers act as sales coaches and mentors to their reps? Pick the one description that best describes your org. Managers give some ad-hoc support when needed and conduct reviews each quarter. Our managers conduct win/loss debriefs, coach reps on deals, and do some role-play exercises. There’s a consistent coaching cadence that’s tied to enablement programs and results are measured by seller KPIs. Coaching is enabled through technology including conversation intelligence-based coaching and results are measured by coach KPIs. Managers leverage automated coaching tools and sellers use AI-powered self-coaching tools. None 7. Visibility into the field How much visibility do you have into deals and field activities? Pick the one that best describes your organization. Not a lot. We’re focused on ramping sellers up and then we let the results speak for themselves. Some. We do win/loss analysis and periodic deal check-ins. Frontline managers join calls when they can. Quite a bit. We utilize a conversation intelligence tool to record calls and provide feedback on seller performance and customer engagement. We combine data from conversation intelligence with our other deal and revenue intelligence tools to get a real-time, realistic picture of deal status. We use smart data and intelligence solutions to combine deal risk assessments, sentiment analysis, seller history, and other factors into smart, accurate, and reliable forecasting on both a deal and full-funnel basis. None 8. Actioning data What metrics and tools do you use to measure sales competency and performance? Pick the statement that best describes your organization. We have raw sales numbers related to quota attainment but that’s it. We have insights into training completion and adoption as well as win/loss analysis. Managers are assessed and sellers complete self-assessments as well. We look at training performance and shadow sales calls. We also measure specific metrics depending on the skill. We spot-check call recordings and get metrics from conversation intelligence, We also grade practice and role-play sessions. Spot-checking call recordings. We have synthesized measurements of all sales enablement activities and coordinated efforts with our RevOps team. None 9. Your tech stack What types of software, tools, and tech are you providing to your sellers, managers, and enablement professionals? Pick the option that best describes your org. We’ve got the basics: CRM, contracting, scheduling/calendaring, and video conferencing tools. We’ve got the above basics plus sales engagement, automation, and account planning tools. We’ve got all of the above and also use conversation intelligence as well as demo aids and tools. We’ve got all of the above and are also leveraging sales forecasting/revenue intelligence tools. We have a single data platform that can combine seller and deal data to create a complete picture of revenue productivity. None Check out your assessment and find out what to do next to reach the next level of revenue enablement. 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