Perfect your pitch with
AI role-plays

Try out our AI sales simulator for free and see if you can seal the deal.

Give AI a test drive

Customize the persona your seller is pitching to, what they are selling, the deal stage, and even the personality of your prospect. Try it out for yourself and see if you can secure a meeting with one of our pre-built selling scenarios. Copilot AI role-plays help with:

  • A safe place to practice pitches, renewal conversations, and new messaging
  • Instant feedback on how to improve your pitch
  • The ability to scale practice without wasting manager time

Test out AI role-plays for yourself

If your teams don’t practice their pitches,
they’re doing it on prospects


Teams can’t keep pace with change

With constant market shifts, new products, and competitive updates, GTM teams struggle to stay prepped.

Sellers don’t have a safe place to practice

Whether it’s a renewal conversation or an important discovery call, your reps likely haven’t been able to practice their talk tracks realistically.


Managers are too busy

Whether it’s live or recorded role-plays, your managers don’t have time to review every new pitch and provide feedback.

Leading organizations use role-plays
to prep their teams

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Cisco saw average deal sizes increase by as much as 30% with the help of role-plays.

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Mindtickle Copilot has reviewed over 100K role-play submissions.


Top-performing companies have sellers do six or more role-plays per year.

Trusted by leading organizations to prep their salesforce

With Copilot role-plays, your teams can
capitalize on every conversation


Realistic practice scenarios

Create hyper-relevant scenarios and give sellers a safe place to perfect their pitch with instant AI feedback.

Get instant, unbiased feedback

With Copilot, you get consistent and objective feedback without performance or relationship biases.

Copilot - Mission review

Alleviate the manager bottleneck

With role-plays reviewed and graded by AI, you don’t have to rely on your busy managers.

Trusted by well-known brands

Prep your teams to capitalize on every conversation

With AI role-plays, your customer and prospect-facing teams can prep for every conversation and close with confidence.